Tag: Stevens of Ash

  • Mary Mayne Stevens of Ash 1750

    Mary Mayne was born in Farnham, Surrey in 1689 to George Mayne (Yeoman) and his wife Ann Warner. Margaret married Thomas Stevens, Yeoman of Ash, in 1727; couple had no children

    I, Mary Stevens of Ash in the County of Surrey

    My body to be decently interred in the Vault with my Husband and Mother in the Chancel of Ash Church … in such manner as my Husband and Mother were buried.

    I desire my Executor to fix a Brass Plate against the Wall in the Chancel near the Vault with an Inscription of our names, ages, and respective times of Burial.

    My Worldly Estate, I dispose as follows:

    To my nieces Anne Bromfield and Anne Lee, all my household goods, furniture, linen, and utensils to be equally divided between them.

    To niece Anne Bromfield, the property in which I now live in Ash, including Barns, Stables, Outhouses, Edifices, Buildings, Courts, Yards, Gardens, and Oast Houses. Also a parcel of land lying near the Green in Ash of one and a quarter acres, lately planted with hops. Both properties are freehold and are for my niece Anne Bromfield and her heirs to have and to hold for ever.

    Nevertheless, Charles Clarke, my Executor, shall have the use of the Barns, Buildings, and Yards until the first day of May next in order that my Tenant may lodge his Crop and thrash it out and convert the straw and fodder into Dung.

    I release my Brother John Mayne from the debt he owes me and give him back the security he gave me.

    I give to Charles Clarke, Apothecary of Farnham, my Copyhold Estate, my Freehold Lands in Ash, all my property in Farnham called Cox Bridge, my property in Ash now an Alehouse being held by Lease from Winchester College, and all other of my properties situate, standing or lying not heretofore by me disposed of in trust.

    As soon as is convenient, Charles Clarke is to sell and dispose my properties to the best advantage and for the most money … and the money raised plus my personal estate to be used to pay my debts and funeral expenses and then to be disbursed thus:

    50 guineas to Charles Clarke for his trouble therein

    £150 to my brother John Mayne

    £50 each to Anne and Frances Ashburn, daughters of my friend Frances Ashburn, Widow of Farnham

    £50 to niece Ann Lee

    £40 to Anne Allen, daughter of John Allen, Glover of Farnham

    £50 to godson Steven Waller, son of James Waller of Ash

    £5 to Widow Margaret West of Ash

    £5 to Widow Cobbett of Ash

    £5 to Thomas Harding of Ash

    £5 to my maid servant, Sarah Cobbett

    My brother Henry Mayne is indebted to me for £200 and upwards and Charles Clarke shall recover same.

    After all of the above, the surplus remaining shall be paid to my nephew John Lee.


    I revoke the £150 legacy to my brother John Mayne and instead give:

    £50 to my niece Elizabeth Mayne (daughter of John)

    £100 to my nephew John Lee


    £50 to my nephew Terry Mayne (son of Henry)

    I revoke the naming of my nephew John Lee as my residuary legatee and name my nephew Charles Lee, now apprenticed to Stephen Lee of Alton, Mercer as residuary legatee.


    • Anne Bromfield: born in 1718 in Farnham, daughter of Mary’s sister, Ann Mayne who had married John Bromfield
    • Ann Lee: born in 1721 in Headley, Hampshire, daughter of Mary’s sister, Elizabeth Mayne who had married William Lee
    • John Lee: born in 1726 in Headley, Hampshire, son of Elizabeth and William Lee above; Yeoman of Headley
    • Charles Lee: born in 1732 Headley, Hampshire, son of Elizabeth and William Lee above; Mercer of Henley-on-Thames
    • Stephen Lee: born in 1693 Headley, Hampshire, and uncle of Ann, John, and Charles Lee; Mercer of Odiham
    • Charles Clarke: 1716-1785, Apothecary and Surgeon of Farnham, not related to Mary Stevens
    • John Mayne: Mary’s brother; 1709-1770 Maltster of Farnham
    • Elizabeth Mayne: one of 3 children of John Mayne above; 1744-1809 married James Restall Maltster of Farnham
    • Henry Mayne: Mary’s brother; 1701-1771 London Merchant
    • Terry George Mayne: son of Henry above 1738-1802; Advertisement in The Law Times, 1847 “Next of kin of Terry George Mayne (died in the West Indies in 1802) – something to advantage” referring to Terry George Mayne’s unclaimed estate. Advertisement still being posted in 1887.
    • Anne and Frances Ashburn: daughters of Thomas Ashburn, Maltster of Farnham and his wife, Frances: neither Anne or Frances married and both died before their mother Frances Ashburn
    • Anne Allen: born in Farnham in 1732, goddaughter
    • Steven Wheeler: born in Ash in 1741, godson
    • Margaret West – died in Ash in 1759
    • Thomas Harding died in Ash in 1777
    • Sarah Cobbett – possibly Sarah Cobbett spinster who died in Ash in 1781


    • Surrey History Centre; Woking, Surrey, England; Surrey Church of England Parish Registers; Reference: HED/1/7
    • Surrey History Centre; Woking, Surrey, England; Surrey Church of England Parish Registers; Reference: FA/1/2
    • England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858
    • Exploring Surrey’s Past
    • National Archives